Another Word For BLINDNESS


Noun : the characteristic of being sightless; blindness


Noun : (uncommon, literary) blindness


Noun : (uncountable) The state of being dark; lack of light; the absolute or comparative absence of light.

Noun : (uncountable) The state or quality of reflecting little light, of tending to a blackish or brownish color.

Noun : (uncountable, countable) Any space that such colour pervades.


Noun : (uncountable) The inability to read and write.

Noun : (uncountable) The portion of a population unable to read and write, generally given as a percentage.

Noun : (countable) A word, phrase, or grammatical turn thought to be characteristic of an illiterate person.


Noun : An illiterate person, one either not able to read and write or not knowing how.

Noun : A person ignorant about a given subject.


Adjective : Without care or making distinctions, thoughtless.


Noun : The act of deluding oneself, or the state of being so deluded.


Noun : The act of fooling oneself, of willfully not accepting the obvious.


Noun : (in the singular) The ability to see.

Noun : The act of seeing; perception of objects by the eye; view.

Noun : Something seen.


Noun : Vision or the faculty of sight.

Noun : View or the range of vision.


Noun : Any element of something that depends on sight.

Noun : An image; a picture; a graphic.

Noun : (in the plural) All the visual elements of a multimedia presentation or entertainment, usually in contrast with normal text or audio.


Noun : (medicine, rare) Lack of sight; blindness.


Noun : (ophthalmology) A defect in the visual field


Noun : The ability to read and write.

Noun : (by extension) The ability to understand and evaluate something.


Noun : (cardiology) Initialism of acute myocardial infarction.

Noun : (anatomy) Initialism of agonist-antagonist myoneural interface.

Noun : (surgery) Ellipsis of AMI amputation.


Noun : A large and often winding stream which drains a land mass, carrying water down from higher areas to a lower point, oftentimes ending in another body of water, such as an ocean or in an inland sea.

Noun : Any large flow of a liquid in a single body.

Noun : (poker) The last card dealt in a hand.


Noun : The condition of being deaf; the lack or loss of the ability to hear.

Noun : (figurative) Lack of knowledge or refusal to admit a particular problem, issue, etc.


Noun : (pathology) A disorder of the vision where distant objects appear blurred because the eye focuses their images in front of the retina instead of on it.

Noun : (figurative) A lack of imagination, discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.


Adjective : Related to, or caused by inattention


Noun : Alternative form of color blindness [(medicine, ophthalmology) Any of several medical conditions in which the physical ability to see colors is impaired, especially achromatopsia, Daltonism.]


Noun : Alternative form of color blindness [(medicine, ophthalmology) Any of several medical conditions in which the physical ability to see colors is impaired, especially achromatopsia, Daltonism.]


Noun : (pathology) The complete loss of voluntary control of part of a person's body, such as one or more limbs.

Noun : A state of being unable to act.


Noun : Alternative spelling of short-sightedness [Myopia: impairment of vision's acuity for distant objects.]


Noun : (dated) The state of being mute: that is, of not communicating vocally, whether from selective mutism (refusal to speak) or from an inability to speak.

Noun : (dated) Muteness, silence; abstention from speech.

Noun : (dated) Show or gesture without words; pantomime; dumb-show.


Noun : The result of disfiguring; the state of being disfigured.


Noun : the third studio album by Levi the Poet, and he released the album on February 23, 2018.

Noun : Canine cataracts are a prevalent cause of visual loss in dogs, frequently resulting in blindness.


Noun : Alternative spelling of snow blindness [Photokeratitis caused by bright sunlight reflected from snow or ice.]


Noun : The quality of being obtuse.

Noun : Something that is obtuse.


Noun : (pathology) An eye disease or disorder that is defined as a characteristic optic neuropathy, or disease of the optic nerve, possibly, if untreated, leading to damage of the optic disc of the eye and resultant visual field loss due to lack of communication between the retina and the brain, which can lead to blindness.


Noun : Full or partial color blindness; the inability to distinguish colors due to the absence of cone cells in the eyes.


Noun : A state of pain, suffering, distress or agony.

Noun : Something which causes pain, suffering, distress or agony.


Noun : The condition of being uninformed or uneducated; lack of knowledge or information.

Noun : (religion, in the plural) Sins committed through ignorance.

Noun : A personification of ignorance.


Noun : The quality of being forgetful; proneness to let slip from the mind.

Noun : Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.

Noun : Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention.


Noun : The quality of being benighted.


Noun : State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual, or moral power, means, fitness, and the like.

Noun : A mental condition causing a difficulty with an intellectual task.

Noun : (disability theory) An inability imposed on a person by society's failure to accommodate their physical or mental differences from others, as opposed to impairment.


Noun : (optics) Image-formation property of an optical system which focuses a single point source in object space into a single point in image space

Noun : (medicine) Normal eyesight, anastigmatic state

Noun : (pathology) State of having stigmata


Noun : The property of being nearsighted, myopia.


Noun : legal restrictions and limitations placed on the Roman Catholics of England since the issuance of the Act of Supremacy in 1534.


Noun : The quality or state of being sick or diseased; illness.

Noun : Nausea; qualmishness; as, sickness of stomach.

Noun : (linguistics) The analogical misuse of a rarer or marked grammatical case in the place of a more common or unmarked case.


Noun : The medical condition of being both deaf and blind.


Noun : The characteristic of being mute.


Noun : (medicine) Synonym of ophthalmitis (“inflammation of the eye”)


Noun : (uncountable) The property of being stupid.

Noun : (countable) An act that is stupid.


Noun : (medicine) Non-inflammatory disease of the retina.


Noun : (uncountable) The state of being hardhearted.

Noun : (countable) A hardhearted thought or act.


Noun : The state of being unaware.


Noun : (medicine) An abnormal condition of a human, animal or plant that causes discomfort or dysfunction; distinct from injury insofar as the latter is usually instantaneously acquired.

Noun : (figuratively) Any abnormal or harmful condition, as of society, people's attitudes, way of living etc.

Noun : Lack of ease; uneasiness; trouble; vexation; disquiet.


Noun : The act or process of debilitating, or the condition of one who is debilitated; weakness.


Adjective : Without sight; blind; unseeing.

Adjective : Synonym of invisible


Noun : The state of being deformed.

Noun : An ugly or misshapen feature or characteristic.


Noun : The state of being wrongheaded.


Noun : (ophthalmology) Alternative form of hemianopsia [(ophthalmology) Blindness in one half of the field of vision of either or both eyes.]


Noun : The act or process of debilitating, or the condition of one who is debilitated; weakness.


Noun : The quality of being sighted, or having the ability to see.


Noun : The characteristic of being oblivious.


Noun : (obsolete) A waterspout.

Noun : A large waterfall; steep rapids in a river.

Noun : A flood of water.


Noun : (pathology) Inflammation of the retina


Noun : (medicine) An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, gradually producing nerve damage and patches of skin necrosis and historically handled by permanently quarantining its sufferers.

Noun : (medicine, now usually proscribed) Similar contagious skin diseases causing light patches of scaly skin, particularly psoriasis, syphilis, vitiligo, scabies, and (biblical) the various diseases considered "tzaraath" in the Old Testament.

Noun : (figurative) Anything considered similarly permanent, harmful, and communicable, particularly when such a thing should be handled by avoidance or isolation of its victims.


Noun : The quality of being slow of understanding things; stupidity.

Noun : The quality of being uninteresting; boring; humorless or irksome.

Noun : Lack of interest or excitement.


Noun : Any ailment or disease of the body; especially, a lingering or deep-seated disorder.

Noun : A moral or mental defect or disorder.


Noun : The quality of being faithless.


Noun : Alternative spelling of narrow-mindedness [The state of being narrow-minded.]


Noun : the loss of one's sense of direction, or of one's position in relationship with the surroundings.

Noun : a state of confusion with regard to time, place or identity.

Noun : a delusion.


Adjective : Alternative spelling of ocular [Of, or relating to the eye, or the sense of sight]


Noun : A false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual facts.

Noun : The state of being deluded or misled, or process of deluding somebody.

Noun : That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.


Adjective : (of a trait or a disease) Present since birth.


Noun : (neurology, pathology) A learning disability characterized by reading and writing difficulties.


Adjective : Causing a loss of energy or strength.


Noun : (countable) An instance of a disease or poor health.

Noun : (uncountable) A state of bad health or disease.


Noun : (countable) An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of the facts.

Noun : (countable) A preconception, any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative.

Noun : (countable) An irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular group, race or religion.


Noun : The result of being impaired

Noun : A deterioration or weakening

Noun : A disability or handicap


Noun : (ophthalmology) A condition due to a deficiency of vitamin A where the conjunctiva and cornea become dry. The condition starts with conjunctival xerosis and night blindness and progresses to corneal xerosis and, later, a severe condition called keratomalacia.


Noun : Quality of being feeble-minded; weak intellect.


Noun : (nonstandard, rare) A deaf person.


Noun : The state of being dizzy; the sensation of instability.


Noun : Powerlessness; incapacity.

Noun : Inability to copulate or beget children; sterility, erectile dysfunction, etc.


Adjective : Of, or relating to the eye, or the sense of sight

Adjective : Resembling the eye.

Adjective : Seen by, or seeing with, the eye; visual.


Noun : (uncountable) The sense or ability of sight.

Noun : (countable) Something seen; an object perceived visually.

Noun : (countable) Something imaginary one thinks one sees.


Noun : The act of disfiguring, spoiling the appearance of something or someone; the state of being disfigured.


Noun : The state of being arrogant; a type of extreme or foolish pride in which someone feels much superior to another.


Noun : The state of being helpless.

Noun : A feeling of inadequacy or impotence.


Noun : The condition of being inconsiderate


Noun : (ophthalmology) Blindness in one half of the field of vision of either or both eyes.


Noun : (uncountable) The characteristic or condition of being dishonest.

Noun : (countable) An act which is fraudulent or otherwise dishonest.

Noun : (uncountable, obsolete) Shamefulness, disgrace.


Noun : The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.


Noun : The act of retarding or delaying; hindrance.

Noun : (acoustics) The distance by which one wave is behind another.

Noun : (music) The act of diminishing the rate of speed.


Noun : The state or condition of being loveless; lack of love.


Noun : Characteristic qualities of a bigot: (especially religious, anti-religious or racial) intolerant prejudice, opinionatedness, or fanaticism; fanatic intolerance.

Noun : (dated) Obstinate prejudice or opinionatedness.


Noun : The state or characteristic of weakness, incapacity, or physical distress due to poor health, especially of a chronic nature.


Noun : Absence of justice; unjustice.

Noun : Violation of the rights of another person or people.

Noun : Unfairness; the state of not being fair or just.


Noun : (chiefly uncountable) Senescence; the bodily and mental deterioration associated with old age.

Noun : (chiefly uncountable) The losing of memory and reason due to senescence.

Noun : (countable, archaic) An elderly, senile person.


Noun : (pathology) A medical condition in which the sufferer experiences seizures (or convulsions) and blackouts.


Noun : Any form of blindness that is accompanied by no obvious change to the eye; often the result of disease of the optic nerve.


Noun : (medicine) Excessive sensitivity to light and the aversion to bright light; abnormal fear of light.

Noun : An aversion to or fear of being photographed, the dissemination of personal photographs, or viewing photographs.


Noun : Dimness or blurring of the eyesight due to a fault in transmission of signals to the brain from an otherwise healthy eye.

Noun : A disorder of visual development in which the brain partially or wholly ignores input from one or both eyes.


Noun : The quality of having only one independent channel for conveying color information in the eye, i.e. total color blindness.


Noun : The contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence in general sense, dissimulation, pretence, sham.

Noun : The claim or pretense of having beliefs, standards, qualities, behaviours, virtues, motivations, etc. which one does not really have.

Noun : The practice of engaging in the same behaviour or activity for which one criticises another; moral self-contradiction whereby the behavior of one or more people belies their own claimed or implied possession of certain beliefs, standards or virtues.


Noun : The constant following of one's egotistical desires to an extreme.


Noun : Lack of emotion or motivation; lack of interest or enthusiasm towards something; disinterest (in something).


Noun : A state of extreme torpor or apathy, especially with lack of emotion, energy or enthusiasm; (loosely) sluggishness, laziness.

Noun : (pathology) A condition characterized by extreme fatigue or drowsiness, deep unresponsiveness, or prolonged sleep patterns.

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