Another Word For REQUIRING


Verb : To request forcefully.

Verb : To claim a right to something.

Verb : To ask forcefully for information.


Verb : (transitive or ditransitive) To request (information, or an answer to a question).

Verb : To put forward (a question) to be answered.

Verb : To interrogate or enquire of (a person).


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To order, give orders; to compel or direct with authority.

Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To have or exercise supreme power, control or authority over, especially military; to have under direction or control.

Verb : (transitive) To require with authority; to demand, order, enjoin.


Verb : (transitive) To make necessary; to behove; to require (something) to be brought about.

Verb : (of circumstances) To force into a certain course of action; compel.


Noun : (countable and uncountable) A requirement for something; something needed.

Noun : Lack of means of subsistence; poverty; indigence; destitution.

Verb : (transitive) To have an absolute requirement for.


Verb : (transitive, archaic, literally) To drive together, round up

Verb : (transitive) To overpower; to subdue.

Verb : (transitive) To force, constrain or coerce.


Verb : To have (something) as a component or a related part; to comprise, to include.

Verb : (specifically) To include (something) as a logical or natural, or necessary component, or consequence or effect of something else; to entail, to imply.

Verb : To cause or engage (someone or something) to become connected or implicated, or to participate, in some activity or situation.


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To predict or believe that something will happen

Verb : To consider obligatory or required.

Verb : To consider reasonably due.


Verb : (transitive) To wish for or desire (something); to feel a need or desire for; to crave or demand.

Verb : (by extension) To make it easy or tempting to do something undesirable, or to make it hard or challenging to refrain from doing it.

Verb : (transitive, in particular) To wish, desire, or demand to see, have the presence of or do business with.


Verb : (transitive) To get into one's hands, possession, or control, with or without force.

Verb : (transitive) To seize or capture.

Verb : (transitive) To catch or get possession of (fish or game).

call for

Verb : To shout out in order to summon (a person).

Verb : To ask for in a loud voice.

Verb : (figuratively) To request, demand.


Verb : (transitive or with that clause) To ask for (something).

Verb : (transitive) To ask (somebody) to do something.

Noun : Act of requesting (with the adposition at in the presence of possessives, and on in their absence).


Noun : The act of making a claim.


Verb : To demand ownership of.

Verb : To state a new fact, typically without providing evidence to prove it is true.

Verb : To demand ownership or right to use for land.


Noun : One who claims; one who makes a claim.

Noun : (UK) A person receiving money from the government, in a form of unemployment benefits, disability benefits or similar.

Noun : (law) The party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.


Noun : A guarantee.


Adjective : That asks; that expresses a question or request.

Noun : The act or process of posing a question or making a request.

Noun : (rare in the singular) A request, or petition.


Noun : One who applies for something; one who makes a request; a petitioner.

Noun : (specific, law) A party who initiates legal proceedings against another party.

Noun : The third coordinate (or z-coordinate) in a three-dimensional coordinate system.


Noun : A necessity or prerequisite; something required or obligatory. Its adpositions are generally of in relation to who or what has given it, on in relation to whom or what it is given to, and for in relation to what is required.

Noun : Something asked.

Noun : (engineering, computing) A statement (in domain specific terms) which specifies a verifiable constraint on an implementation that it shall undeniably meet or (a) be deemed unacceptable, or (b) result in implementation failure, or (c) result in system failure.


Adjective : Required as a condition of a contract or agreement.

Adjective : Specified, promised or guaranteed in an agreement.


Verb : (transitive) To establish or apply by authority.

Verb : (intransitive) To be an inconvenience. (on or upon)

Verb : To enforce: compel to behave in a certain way.


Noun : (law) Someone who presents a petition to a court.

Noun : Someone who presents a petition to some person in authority.


Noun : statement


Adjective : (of an agreement, contract, etc.) Imposing stipulations or requirements that must be honoured.

Adjective : (of food) Having the effect of counteracting diarrhea.

Noun : An item (usually rope, tape, or string) used to hold two or more things together.


Verb : (archaic) Either directly or indirectly preceded or followed by an auxiliary verb, often must: of necessity or need; necessarily, indispensably.

Noun : A surname.


Adjective : worthy of reward or praise; meritorious

Adjective : meriting, worthy (reward, punishment etc.)

Noun : desert, merit


Adjective : Necessary; being required.


Adjective : Happy and ready to do favours for others.

Noun : The imposition of an obligation.


Noun : A need.


Noun : The act of one who seeks; a search or quest to find something.

Adjective : (in combination) That seeks something specified.


Noun : A person under discussion; a question of which person.

Noun : (fandom slang) The television show Doctor Who.

Noun : Initialism of World Health Organization. [An agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health]


Adjective : (law) of or relating to appeals; appellate

Adjective : in the process of appealing

Noun : (law) a litigant or party that is making an appeal in court


Adjective : Of something that follows as the result of something else; resultant.


Noun : (law) The party that brings a civil lawsuit against another; the plaintiff.

Noun : (law) An alleged victim in a criminal investigation or trial.

Noun : One who makes complaint.


Noun : The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.


Noun : implication


Noun : The act or process of stating or describing something clearly and exactly.


Verb : (transitive) To supply with provisions.

Verb : (transitive, computing) To supply (a user) with an account, resources, etc. so that they can use a system; to install the necessary software on a bare-bones system so it can be used for a specific purpose.


Adjective : Making great demands; difficult to satisfy.

Adjective : (of an action, task, etc) Requiring precise accuracy, great care, effort, or attention.

Adjective : (of a person or organization) Characterized by exaction.


Noun : Arrangement in a sequence.

Noun : (uncountable) The placement of an order for goods or services.

Noun : The act or ceremony of ordaining, as priests or deacons.


Noun : The action by which something is placed; placement; positioning.

Noun : The condition of being placed.

Noun : The position of a competitor at the end of a race.


Adjective : Magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, stateliness or dignity.


Adjective : Requiring much endurance, strength, or patience.

Adjective : Making great demands in terms of quality, quantity, accuracy or other criteria; difficult to satisfy.


Adjective : Difficult, hard to do.

Noun : The act of making a challenge.


Adjective : Alluring; tempting; attractive.

Noun : invitation


Noun : A strong urge to become religious.

Noun : A job or occupation.


Noun : (countable) An act or process of charging (as of a battery).

Noun : (uncountable, basketball) An offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender.


Noun : (horticulture) The art of raising plants at an earlier season than is normal, especially by using a hotbed

Noun : (photography) An extension in the development time of an underexposed negative in order to bring out detail

Noun : (set theory) A technique used to prove the consistency of certain axioms in set theory. See forcing (mathematics).


Noun : The desire to purchase goods and services.

Noun : (economics) The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price.

Noun : A forceful claim for something.


Adjective : showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction o


Verb : (transitive) To imply, require, or invoke.

Verb : (transitive) To settle or fix inalienably on a person or thing, or on a person and his descendants or a certain line of descendants; -- said especially of an estate; to bestow as a heritage.

Verb : (transitive, obsolete) To appoint hereditary possessor.


Noun : continual and persistent demand


Verb : (transitive) To teach by giving instructions.

Verb : (transitive) To tell (someone) what they must or should do.

Verb : (transitive) To give (one's own lawyer) legal instructions as to how they should act in relation to a particular issue; thereby formally appointing them as one's own legal representative in relation to it.


Verb : To have (something) as a component or a related part; to comprise, to include.

Verb : (specifically) To include (something) as a logical or natural, or necessary component, or consequence or effect of something else; to entail, to imply.

Verb : To cause or engage (someone or something) to become connected or implicated, or to participate, in some activity or situation.


Verb : To authorize.

Verb : To make mandatory.


Verb : (transitive) To deserve, to earn.

Verb : (intransitive) To be deserving or worthy.

Verb : (transitive, obsolete, rare) To reward.


Verb : (transitive) To make necessary; to behove; to require (something) to be brought about.

Verb : (of circumstances) To force into a certain course of action; compel.


Verb : (transitive, Canada, US, Scotland) To bind, compel, constrain, or oblige by a social, legal, or moral tie.

Verb : (transitive, Canada, US, Scotland) To cause to be grateful or indebted; to oblige.

Verb : (transitive, Canada, US, Scotland) To commit (money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation.


Verb : (medicine) To order (a drug or medical device) for use by a particular patient (under licensed authority).

Verb : To specify by writing as a required procedure or ritual; to lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction, or rule of action.

Verb : (law) To develop or assert a right; to make a claim (by prescription).


Noun : a stock or supply of food


Adjective : asked fo


Verb : (transitive or with that clause) To ask for (something).

Verb : (transitive) To ask (somebody) to do something.


Noun : Act of requesting (with the adposition at in the presence of possessives, and on in their absence).

Noun : A formal message requesting something.

Noun : Condition of being sought after.


Noun : A necessity or prerequisite; something required or obligatory. Its adpositions are generally of in relation to who or what has given it, on in relation to whom or what it is given to, and for in relation to what is required.

Noun : Something asked.

Noun : (engineering, computing) A statement (in domain specific terms) which specifies a verifiable constraint on an implementation that it shall undeniably meet or (a) be deemed unacceptable, or (b) result in implementation failure, or (c) result in system failure.


Verb : (transitive) To require (something) as a condition of a contract or agreement.

Verb : (transitive) To specify, promise or guarantee something in an agreement.

Verb : (US, transitive, formal, law) To acknowledge the truth of; not to challenge.


Verb : (transitive) To require (something) as a condition of a contract or agreement.

Verb : (transitive) To specify, promise or guarantee something in an agreement.

Verb : (US, transitive, formal, law) To acknowledge the truth of; not to challenge.


Noun : the act of earnestly supporting or encouragin

Noun : insistent solicitation and entreat

Noun : a verbalization that encourages you to attempt somethin


Verb : (transitive) To make necessary; to behove; to require (something) to be brought about.

Verb : (of circumstances) To force into a certain course of action; compel.


Verb : (ditransitive) To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have.

Verb : (transitive, catenative) To enable; to permit; to grant license to; to consent to.

Verb : To not bar or obstruct.


Verb : (ditransitive) To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have.

Verb : (transitive, catenative) To enable; to permit; to grant license to; to consent to.

Verb : To not bar or obstruct.


Noun : An act or an instance of something being enabled.


Verb : (transitive) To make necessary; to behove; to require (something) to be brought about.

Verb : (of circumstances) To force into a certain course of action; compel.


Verb : (transitive) Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible.


Noun : An act or instance of permitting something.


Verb : (transitive) Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible.


Verb : (ditransitive) To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have.

Verb : (transitive, catenative) To enable; to permit; to grant license to; to consent to.

Verb : To not bar or obstruct.


Verb : (transitive) Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible.


Verb : (transitive) To forbid, disallow, or proscribe officially; to make illegal or illicit.


Verb : To have (something) as a component or a related part; to comprise, to include.

Verb : (specifically) To include (something) as a logical or natural, or necessary component, or consequence or effect of something else; to entail, to imply.

Verb : To cause or engage (someone or something) to become connected or implicated, or to participate, in some activity or situation.


Noun : An artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal.

Noun : A learner's permit.

Noun : (obsolete) Formal permission.


Verb : To make somebody able (to do, or to be, something); to give sufficient ability or power to do or to be; to give strength or ability to.

Verb : To affirm; to make firm and strong.

Verb : To qualify or approve for some role or position; to render sanction or authorization to; to confirm suitability for.


Noun : Something provided; a provision.


Verb : To refuse to allow

Verb : To reject as invalid, untrue, or improper

Verb : (UK, law, historical) to overrule a colonial legislation by the sovereign-in-privy council


Verb : (transitive) Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible.


Verb : (transitive, construed with to) To cause (someone or something) to undergo a particular experience, especially one that is unpleasant or unwanted.

Verb : (transitive) To make subordinate or subservient; to subdue or enslave.


Adjective : Essential, indispensable, required.


Verb : (transitive) To forbid, disallow, or proscribe officially; to make illegal or illicit.


Verb : To refuse to allow

Verb : To reject as invalid, untrue, or improper

Verb : (UK, law, historical) to overrule a colonial legislation by the sovereign-in-privy council


Noun : (collective) Bars; an arrangement or pattern of stripes or bars.

Noun : The act of fitting or closing something with bars.

Noun : The exclusion of someone; blackballing.


Verb : (transitive) To grant (someone) the permission or power necessary to do (something); to permit; to sanction or consent to.


Adjective : Serving to restrict.


Adjective : required, mandatory


Verb : To make somebody able (to do, or to be, something); to give sufficient ability or power to do or to be; to give strength or ability to.

Verb : To affirm; to make firm and strong.

Verb : To qualify or approve for some role or position; to render sanction or authorization to; to confirm suitability for.


Verb : (transitive) To get hold of; to gain possession of, to procure; to acquire, in any way.

Verb : (intransitive, obsolete) To secure (that) a specific objective or state of affairs be reached.

Verb : (intransitive, obsolete) To prevail, be victorious; to succeed.


Verb : To make a living; earn money for necessities.

Verb : To act to prepare for something.

Verb : To establish as a previous condition; to stipulate.


Adjective : Required, essential, whether logically inescapable or needed in order to achieve a desired result or avoid some penalty.

Adjective : Unavoidable, inevitable.

Adjective : (obsolete) Determined, involuntary: acting from compulsion rather than free will.


Verb : To refuse to allow

Verb : To reject as invalid, untrue, or improper

Verb : (UK, law, historical) to overrule a colonial legislation by the sovereign-in-privy council


Verb : To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious; (usually after an expression of ability, as could, able, difficult) to be able or rich enough.

Verb : (obsolete) To offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting or expending, with profit, or without too great a loss.

Verb : (rare) To give forth; to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit, or issue.


Verb : To precede, to go before.

Verb : Alternative spelling of forgo; to abandon, to relinquish [To let pass, to leave alone, to let go.]


Verb : To let pass, to leave alone, to let go.

Verb : To do without, to abandon, to renounce.

Verb : To refrain from, to abstain from, to pass up, to withgo.

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