5 Letter Words Ending in TE


Noun : A condition; a set of circumstances applying at any given time.

Noun : (physics) A complete description of a system, consisting of parameters that determine all properties of the system.

Noun : (colloquial, in the singular) A mess; disorder; a bad condition or set of circumstances.


Adjective : Bright and colourless; reflecting equal quantities of all frequencies of visible light.

Adjective : (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Europeans or those of European descent, regardless if their skin has cool or warm undertones.

Adjective : (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Caucasians (people with white complexion and European ancestry):.


Noun : A slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten.

Noun : (uncountable) Such dishes collectively.

Noun : The contents of such a dish.


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate.

Verb : (transitive) To be the author of (a book, article, poem, etc.).

Verb : (transitive) To send written information to.


Noun : A course or way which is traveled or passed.

Noun : A regular itinerary of stops, or the path followed between these stops, such as for delivery or passenger transportation.

Noun : A road or path; often specifically a highway.


Adjective : (Scotland) quiet


Verb : To the greatest extent or degree; completely, entirely.

Verb : With verbs, especially past participles.

Verb : With prepositional phrases and spatial adverbs.


Adjective : Of high birth or social position; aristocratic or patrician.

Adjective : Representing the choicest or most select of a group.

Noun : A special group or social class of people which have a superior intellectual, social or economic status as, the elite of society.


Adjective : Brief, quick, short.

Adjective : High or shrill.

Adjective : Intense; sensitive; sharp.


Noun : A group or train of attendants, servants etc.; a retinue.

Noun : A connected series or succession of objects; a number of things used or classed together.

Noun : A group of connected rooms, usually separable from other rooms by means of access.


Adjective : Often in reference to a word or phrase: used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective; worn out, hackneyed.

Adjective : (law) So well established as to be beyond debate: trite law.

Noun : A denomination of coinage in ancient Greece equivalent to one third of a stater.


Noun : Excess of material, useless by-products, or damaged, unsaleable products; garbage; rubbish.

Noun : Excrement or urine.

Noun : A wasteland; an uninhabited desolate region; a wilderness or desert.


Verb : (transitive)

Verb : To lessen (something) in force or intensity; to moderate.

Verb : To reduce (something) in amount or size.


Noun : A quotation; a statement attributed to a person.

Noun : A quotation mark.

Noun : A summary of work to be done with a set price.


Noun : (uncountable, geology) A fine-grained homogeneous sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash which has been metamorphosed so that it cleaves easily into thin layers.

Noun : (uncountable) The bluish-grey colour of most slate.

Noun : (countable) A chalkboard, sheet of slate for writing on with chalk or with a thin rod of slate (a slate pencil) formerly commonly used by both students and teachers in schools.


Noun : A surname.


Noun : One of the sensations produced by the tongue in response to certain chemicals; the quality of giving this sensation.

Noun : The sense that consists in the perception and interpretation of this sensation.

Noun : A small sample of food, drink, or recreational drugs.


Noun : A strength or talent.

Noun : The strong part of a sword blade, close to the hilt.

Adjective : (music) Loud. Used as a dynamic directive in sheet music in its abbreviated form, "f.", to indicate raising the volume of the music. (Abbreviated in musical notation with an f, the Unicode character 1D191.)


Noun : Ill will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the desire to unjustifiably irritate, annoy, or thwart; a want to disturb or put out another; mild malice

Noun : (obsolete) Vexation; chagrin; mortification.

Verb : (transitive) To treat maliciously; to try to hurt or thwart.


Noun : (countable) A (sudden) flood or inundation of water; specifically, a flood in or overflow of a river or other watercourse due to heavy rain or melting snow; (uncountable, archaic) flooding, inundation.

Noun : (countable) A sudden heavy downpour of rain.

Noun : (countable, figurative) A sudden increase or rush of something; a flood, an outburst, an outpouring.


Noun : A soft moist mixture, in particular:

Noun : One of flour, fat, or similar ingredients used in making pastry.

Noun : (obsolete) Pastry.


Noun : A horizontal metal grill through which liquid, ash, or small objects can fall, while larger objects cannot.

Noun : A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning.

Noun : (historical) A grapper, a metal ring on a lance behind the grip.


Noun : Speed; swiftness; dispatch.

Noun : (obsolete) Urgency; sudden excitement of feeling or passion; precipitance; vehemence.

Verb : (transitive, archaic) To urge onward; to hasten.


Verb : (archaic) To hit; to strike.

Verb : To strike down or kill with godly force.

Verb : To injure with divine power.


Noun : (law) A written order, issued by a court, ordering someone to do (or stop doing) something.

Noun : Authority, power to enforce compliance.

Noun : (archaic) That which is written; writing.


Noun : A runner or blade, usually of steel, with a frame shaped to fit the sole of a shoe, made to be fastened under the foot, and used for gliding on ice.

Noun : The act of skateboarding

Noun : The act of roller skating or ice skating


Noun : (philosophy) Virtue, excellence.

Noun : (philosophy) The proper state or condition for a human.

Noun : Alternative spelling of arête [(geology) A very thin ridge of rock.]


Adjective : high (especially in terms of fashion, cookery or anything considered to be typically French)

Adjective : Obsolete form of haut, haught (“high; haughty”). [(obsolete) Haughty.]


Noun : Any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies.

Noun : A separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly associate with each other.

Noun : (zoology) A class of polymorphous eusocial insects of a particular size and function within a colony.


Adjective : Extremely angry; wrathful; enraged.


Noun : (art, photography) A decorative border around a picture used to inset and center the contents of a frame.

Noun : (film) A background, often painted or created with computers

Noun : (pyrometallurgy) The molten metal sulfide phases typically formed during smelting of copper, nickel, and other base metals.


Verb : (transitive)

Verb : To display or express (emotions, mental states, etc.) openly, particularly while acting, and especially in an excessive manner.

Verb : To deliver (a speech), say (lines of a play, words), etc., in a dramatic or emotional manner, especially if overly so.


Verb : (transitive) To make joyful or proud.

Verb : (transitive) To lift up; raise; elevate.

Adjective : Elated; exultant.


Adjective : Without reason or intelligence (of animals).

Adjective : Characteristic of unthinking animals; senseless, unreasoning (of humans).

Adjective : Unconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless.


Noun : A drink of coffee made from espresso and steamed milk, generally topped with foam.

Noun : A similar drink, where the espresso is replaced with some other flavoring ingredient such as chai, maté or matcha (green tea).

Noun : A pillar capped by a hemispherical stone capital with the flat side facing up, used as building supports by the ancient Chamorro people and now used as a sign of Chamorro identity.


Adjective : Shaped like an egg.

Adjective : (botany, of leaves) With the broadest extremity near the base.

Noun : (archaeology) An egg-shaped hand axe.


Noun : A large open box or basket, used especially to transport fragile goods.

Noun : (slang, mildly derogatory) A vehicle (car, aircraft, spacecraft, etc.) seen as unreliable.

Noun : (programming) In the Rust programming language, a binary or library.


Noun : A woodwind instrument consisting of a tube with a row of holes that produce sound through vibrations caused by air blown across the edge of the holes, often tuned by plugging one or more holes with a finger; the Western concert flute, a transverse side-blown flute of European origin.

Noun : (colloquial) A recorder, also a woodwind instrument.

Noun : A glass with a long, narrow bowl and a long stem, used for drinking wine, especially champagne.


Noun : (countable, uncountable, mineralogy) A semitransparent, uncrystallized silicate mineral and semiprecious stone, presenting various tints in the same specimen, with colors delicately arranged and often curved in parallel alternating dark and light stripes or bands, or blended in clouds; various authorities call it a variety of chalcedony, a variety of quartz, or a combination of the two.

Noun : (uncountable, US printing, dated) The size of type between pearl and nonpareil, standardized as 5+¹⁄₂-point.

Noun : (countable, typography) One fourteenth of an inch.



Verb : To speak formally; to give a speech.

Verb : To speak passionately; to preach for or against something.

Adjective : Competent in oracy; having good speaking skills.


Noun : A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level, or through which water passes to a wheel.

Noun : A waterfall or rapid.

Noun : The pen in which an animal is confined before being released in a rodeo.


Noun : (skiing) A downhill trail.

Noun : (fencing) The field of play of a fencing match.

Noun : (archaic) The track left by somebody riding a horse.


Noun : An Italian count.

Noun : Alternative form of Conté. [(art) A drawing medium, usually square in cross-section, composed of compressed powdered charcoal or graphite mixed with a clay or wax base.]


Noun : A relative whose relation is traced only through female members of the family.

Noun : Any maternal female relative.

Adjective : Related to someone by female connections.


Noun : A rich, dense cake, typically made with many eggs and relatively little flour (as opposed to a sponge cake or gâteau).


Verb : (transitive) To bring together as one.

Verb : (reciprocal) To come together as one.

Noun : (UK, historical) A British gold coin worth 20 shillings, first produced during the reign of King James I, and bearing a legend indicating the king's intention of uniting the kingdoms of England and Scotland.


Verb : Alternative form of sauté [(transitive) To cook (food) using a small amount of fat in an open pan over a relatively high heat, allowing the food to brown and form a crust stopping it from sticking to the pan as it cooks.]



Verb : (archaic) To hit; to strike.

Verb : To strike down or kill with godly force.

Verb : To injure with divine power.


Noun : Talk to little purpose; trifling talk; unmeaningful loquacity.

Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To talk much and to little purpose; to be loquacious; to speak foolishly.


Noun : A river (the Amite River) in Mississippi and Louisiana, United States, which flows into Lake Maurepas.

Noun : The short name for Amite City, a city in Louisiana, United States.


Noun : A bill of fare; a menu.

Noun : (dated) A visiting card.

Noun : (historical) A carte de visite (small collectible photograph of a famous person).


Noun : (uncountable, card games) A game in which three or four cards are dealt face-up and players bet on which of them will first be matched in suit by others dealt.

Noun : (countable, Latin America) A wood or forest; timberland.

Noun : A surname.


Noun : (countable) A surname.

Noun : A placename

Noun : A census-designated place in Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska, United States.


Verb : To sew with long or loose stitches, as for temporary use, or in preparation for gathering the fabric.

Verb : To sprinkle flour and salt and drip butter or fat on, as on meat in roasting.

Verb : (by extension) To coat over something.


Adjective : (Scotland, Northern England) Bashful, sheepish.

Adjective : (Scotland, Northern England) Dull, stupid.

Verb : Archaic form of bleat. [Of a sheep or goat, to make its characteristic cry; of a human, to mimic this sound.]


Noun : An island in the Mediterranean, and the largest in Greece.

Noun : One of the 13 peripheries of Greece; it contains Chania, Iraklion, Lasithi and Rethimni.

Noun : (archaic) A Cretan.


Noun : A male given name from Italian, presumably in honor of the poet Dante Alighieri.


Noun : Obsolete spelling of part [A portion; a component.]


Verb : (transitive) To separate one substance from another by means of a solvent; to wash; to cleanse.


Noun : a 1971 American neo-noir crime thriller film directed and produced by Alan J. Pakula, written by Andy and Dave Lewis, and starring Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Charles Cioffi, and Roy Scheider.

Noun : the primary recording alias of Tom Withers, a drum and bass producer and DJ from Ipswich, UK.

Noun : a crater on the Moon's far side.


Noun : A small passerine bird, Linaria flavirostris (syn. Carduelis flavirostris), that breeds in northern Europe and across central Asia.

Verb : Obsolete form of twit. [(transitive) To reproach, blame; to ridicule or tease.]



Adjective : (entomology, botany) Having winglike extensions or parts; winged.

Noun : A winged, reproductive form of several social insects.

Verb : (archaic) recently; lately; of late.


Noun : The plant Amaranthus blitum, purple amaranth.

Noun : Any of various plants in the genus Chenopodium.

Noun : Any of various plants in the genus Atriplex.


Verb : (now rare, chiefly Scotland, transitive) To avoid.


Noun : A raised earth mound, often topped with a wooden or stone structure and surrounded with a ditch.

Noun : An argument which is uncontroversial and easy to defend (in the context of a motte and bailey fallacy).

Noun : Alternative form of mott [(Texas) A copse or small grove of trees, especially live oak or elm.]


Noun : (law) A witness.

Noun : The witnessing or concluding clause, duty attached; said of a writ, deed, etc.


Noun : ges


Noun : (dialectal) a quarrel, dispute, wrangling.

Noun : (dialectal) a scolding.

Verb : (dialectal) to dispute, quarrel, wrangle, brawl.


Noun : Obsolete form of stoat. [Mustela erminea, the ermine or short-tailed weasel, a mustelid native to Eurasia and North America, distinguished from the least weasel by its larger size and longer tail with a prominent black tip.]



Noun : (informal) A Corvette automobile.


Noun : (zoology) A horny, chitinous, or bony external plate or scale, as on the shell of a turtle or the skin of crocodiles.

Noun : (genetics) A proneural gene, often associated with achaete, that is required for the formation of many larval and adult sense organs

Noun : (obsolete) A small shield.


Noun : A French count.


Noun : A surname from Italian.


Noun : (Southern England, especially in place names) A steep road through a cleft in a hill.

Noun : A surname.

Noun : Alternative form of chute [A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level, or through which water passes to a wheel.]


Noun : (exercise, colloquial) A gluteal muscle.


Noun : (obsolete) A sudden hit or blow; a glancing blow.

Noun : A trick.

Noun : A contemptible person.


Noun : A conserve made of grapes.


Noun : (Britain, Ireland, vulgar) Shit; trash; rubbish; nonsense

Noun : (Britain, Ireland, vulgar, derogatory) A foolish or deceitful person.

Adjective : (Britain, Ireland, vulgar) Bad; awful; shit.


Noun : burbot (fish)



Noun : (now historical) nitrogen.


Noun : (telecommunications) voice over long term evolution

Noun : Alternative form of volta [(music) A turning; a time (chiefly used in phrases signifying that the part is to be repeated).]


Noun : (chemistry) Any salt of uric acid.



Noun : (usually in forms of address) A Jewish aunt.


Noun : In France, interest payable by government on indebtedness; the bonds, shares, stocks, etc. that represent government indebtedness.


Noun : A surname.


Verb : (obsolete, transitive) To cure (herrings, etc.) by salting and smoking them; to bloat.


Verb : (obsolete) To rub or wear by rubbing; to chafe.


Noun : A surname.


Noun : A surname.

Noun : A rural unincorporated community in the town of Cochrane, Cochrane District, Ontario, Canada.

Noun : A city in Brazoria County, Texas.


Noun : (obsolete, UK, dialect) A fish resembling the trout, the grayling (Thymallus thymallus).

Noun : Alternative form of shoat [A young, newly-weaned pig.]


Noun : (now historical) The Ottoman court; (hence), the government of the Ottoman empire.



Noun : A surname.


Noun : A surname originating as an occupation for a watchman.

Noun : A town in Washington County, Maine, United States, named after a lumberman.

Verb : Archaic spelling of wait. [(transitive, now rare) To delay movement or action until the arrival or occurrence of; to await. (Now generally superseded by “wait for”.)]

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